Sunday, February 21, 2010

On Parenthood

What kind of Dad am I? I sit back and ask myself this question alot. Probably has to do with the fact that I lost my dad at 21. I often have wished over the years that he was still here for a variety of selfish reasons, but one in particular keeps cropping up. I wish he was here for some advice. I try and think back to when I was a kid and the things that I liked, loved, and dreaded about my dad. I know it's also been said/written a million times but in spite of my best efforts I think I am the same kind of dad he was. I love my boys, they drive me insane, and I yell at them way too much. An interesting conversation came up last night with some friends over for dinner. There's a scandal brewing at Lower Merion School District where it's rumoured that there's some invasion of privacy issues revolving around remote accessing web cams on school district laptops in student homes. There is a rumour of some student drug use. Someone at dinner remarked on how we make sure our kids don't "turn out that way". In my opinion, there is no magic pill, we can only teach them what's right and what's wrong, show them the consequences of their actions and hope they do the right thing. My parents loved me and took care of me and I hope that moving forward I do the best I can to take care of my boys. Take care.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Friday Night- Redux

Ok kids, what's on my mind. I am chomping at the bit to try the Sam Adams Noble Pils. I love those style of beers, they make me very very hoppy. Sorry, had to. Feeling a little bit adventurous tonight, thinking Japanese for dinner. Heard Bonjung in Collegeville is pretty good. I'm not a sushi guy but I love those noodle hot pots. I'm still reeling over the Vikings loss last weekend, I swear they couldn't lose worse if they tried. So, is it movie night, beer night, take-out night, or all three?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday Night Wild

Every once in a while I still feel young, especially on Friday nights. There used to be something magical about Friday, work was done and you had the whole weekend full of possibilities in front of you. I felt that way tonight, unfortunately, couldn't find anyone to play. I guess that's one of the prices for getting old. I'm thinking about starting up a dinner club, get a bunch of couples to go out for dinner every month or so to a different restaurant and try some new food. I really want to try the Avalon Grill in West Chester. Now I need a sitter! Enjoy your weekend folks!

Monday, January 18, 2010

About Time

Ok, I'm gonna try to start doing this with regularity. It's Monday morning of a three day weekend and we're hitting that crap it's almost over time. Both my kids are outside playing, thank god, someone was about to get hurt. This weekend was pretty good. Saturday night out with friends at Davinci's, had probably too many Guiness'. Not even sure that's correct grammar. Leaving in 2 hours to do the soccer/karate drop off minuet. It's fish night tonight. Boys get pan fried talapia and Mom and Dad get salmon on the grill. Almost watched "The Hurt Locker" today, didn't make it. My cousin is on my mind lately, he and his wife have to be going through what I can only imagine is the most excruciating experience in the world, their firstborn was premature and struggling for his life. I'm not particularly religious, but have been praying with the boys every night for little Vinny to fight through and get better. Oh yeah, I'm addicted to Wii Sports Resort, I'm a kick ass archer!


Thursday, June 7, 2007

Home Stretch

Thank God for Starbucks! It's the end of the year teaching and that is always a special time.It's like shooting the rapids. This week I have to finish reviewing my last grants for the state, keep studying for a Praxis test I have to take on Saturday, and rehearse my speech for a friend's retirement dinner. Oh yeah, I've got to finish up grades and teach all my kids one last time as well. 5 more days until summer, yahoo. Oh, by the way, for those of you who are the eternal optimists out there, when I was cruising around on Yahoo there was a link that says all carriers are giving away free razors today only, here's the link. Gotta be a catch, right?

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

First Striper!!

Here's my son Brian with Capn Richie off Tilghman Island, MD. Bri caught a 23 incher, fought and landed it himself. We did a half day, boated around 30-40 fish, two keepers. We had a great day and it was a great start to my life with my newest fishing buddy.

Turning Points

Sitting in a workshop with Will Richardson. Nice to get my feet wet and learn about some cool new toys that are out there. My new favorite is Google reader, now I'll never have to worry that my newspaper didn't get delivered on time.